Just Another Purr-fect Day

the everyday adventures in raising an adopted cat


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I’ve found myself at a crossroad.  Because adopting one pet during college isn’t enough, I’ve been fighting a question, even though I already know the answer.

There is a cat, named Autumn, at the shelter we adopted Aria from (People for Cats). And guess what – I want her.


I am convinced that she is related to Aria.  Cat’s can have long lost sisters too, right?  It’s scary how much they look alike.  Here, let’s take a quiz:

Which cat is Aria and which cat is Autumn?

Now, if you’ve been paying attention, you’ll notice that I’ve used one of these pictures before.  But if you didn’t know any better, you really wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.

Now. Here’s my problem. I want – no, scratch thatneed her.

Okay, obviously I know I don’t need her.  I feel like I can’t just leave her there.

Aria would freak out.  We spoil her ridiculously.  It’s our own fault.

As much as I would love to bring her home, I know that we can’t.  And not just because Aria would throw a fit – even though she totally would.

We can absolutely support Aria no problem.  We are able to give her the love she needs and the attention she deserves.  But I truthfully don’t think that we are ready to split our attention.  We just aren’t ready for that responsibility.

Plus, Aria would definitely claw me if we brought another pet home right now.

Author: cassindahickey

21, New Cat Mommy, Western MA Cassinda, Jordan and Aria just trying to get by in this silly world.

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